I cry to be me; I drive to be me
I fight to be me; I thrive to be me
On the darkest and the sunniest days,
I would just like to be me
I am not a man, so don’t compare me with one,
I am not another woman, so don’t compare me with her
I am just me,
so accept me as one!
I stay true to myself not just to survive, but to live
I won’t let myself be a victim so don’t try that on me!
I am not asking for pity; I can stand up for me
Just give me some space and care a little for me.
Yes, I am a woman,
but in no shape or form that makes me different.
Make equal adjustments and aim to balance the system
Create a place where I could breathe, I could flourish,
and not be afraid to just step out as me!