Lulu and Tuck Upcoming Books Banner May 2024

Lulu and Tuck Series

Lulu and Tuck Stories: April Fool’s Day Brings Lulu & Tuck Together

On April Fool’s Day, all jokes are welcomed by Forestlanders with a friendly spirit. Lulu, the ant, is the queen of playing pranks, and today she is on a mission to trick her best friend Tuck, the elephant. Join Lulu and Tuck as they share stories about their fun filled April Fool’s Day pranks over the years, and how they first met. What’s more? Lulu and Tuck come across someone new who makes their day even more memorable! Read Lulu and Tuck Stories: April Fool’s Day Brings Lulu and Tuck Together to find out how a playful joke can help build friendships.

Lulu and Tuck Stories: Mother’s Day with Mother Nature

It’s a bright day in May and the animals of Forestland are prepping for Mother’s Day! Everyone is coming up with lovely ways to appreciate their dearest mothers. This year, they are doing an activity to cherish Mother Nature. Childhood buddies—Lulu, the ant, and Tuck, the elephant—are in charge of planning this. In the process, they come across a friend who needs their special attention. How will Lulu and Tuck organize the Mother’s Day event? Will they be able to comfort their friend while carrying out a busy task? Read Lulu and Tuck Stories: Mother’s Day with Mother Nature to find out.

Lulu and Tuck Stories: Teaching Lulu not to Bully

On a fine summer’s day in June, the animals of Forestland plan a picnic. While everyone wants to have fun, Lulu is here to win. A game spoils her mood and soon she turns into a bully. Her best friend, Tuck, is very hurt by her bad behavior. What makes Lulu behave badly? Will Tuck forgive her for bullying him? Read Lulu and Tuck Stories: Teaching Lulu not to Bully to find out if Lulu will learn her lesson.

Lulu and Tuck Stories: Lulu and Tuck Visit a Waterpark

The beginning of July gets Forestland ready for Waterpark Day! Lulu, the ant, is all set for her first visit to the waterpark with her bestie Tuck, the elephant. All the fun rides get them both super excited! But it’s the busiest day of the year at the waterpark. Long waiting lines make Tuck impatient. He ends up breaking the rules and getting into trouble. Read Lulu and Tuck Stories: Lulu and Tuck Visit a Waterpark to find out what happens next.

Lulu and Tuck Stories: Lulu & Tuck Spread Smiles

Forestland has a big heart! Every August, Forestlanders celebrate Be Happy Day to spread smiles. This year, Lulu, the ant, teams up with her best friend Tuck, the elephant, to help the elderly. They are joined by all their friends. Who all will Lulu and Tuck visit this Be Happy Day? Will they be successful in making everyone happy? Read Lulu and Tuck Stories: Lulu and Tuck Spread Smiles to join them in this mission!
